Protect Your Work, Protect Your Life

About The SPPA

We are an alliance dedicated to the niche insurance needs of the pool and spa professional industry. We will fight for you. We will protect you. We will be here for you. Very few programs out there show you extraordinary service-before and after the membership and insurance is in effect. Our mission is to make sure you as a customer not only are getting the best customer support, but also having piece of mind that your alliance is your voice and always fighting for your program and insurance needs. Through the Program SPPA, we tailored and customized three programs and insurance options to pick from. We proudly protect pool and spa professionals in every state of the United States with the exception of New York. We listen to our pool professionals and with over 30 years of encompassing the Pool and Spa industry, we know the needs of Pool and Spa professionals. We believe you should be part of an alliance dedicated to leadership. Learning the industry’s challenges requires a syndicate effort, and we have place for all of today’s pool, spa service and repair professionals.

Our rates are extremely competitive. We have also tailored and customized our membership and it’s benefits to make it the strongest pool and spa alliance in the industry. SPPA Program General Liability coverages include: Pool, spa, pond, and fountain service and repair professionals, Pollution cleanup (hazmat), Pool pop ups, Key and lock replacement, Pool inspections.

The SPPA program does not cover remodel or construction of any kind.

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“A” Rated General Liability Insurance · Free Certificates of insurance for additonal insured, waiver subrogation, primary non-contributory wording · Dedicated policy limits (own limits/not shared) · Three insurance and program options to choose from · No mandatory monthly meetings · discounted affiliated programs · Applicants insured within 24 hours · Wholesale distribution discounts · Vendor discount program coming soon!


Our coverage is “A” rated. Our underwriters are proven industry leaders that focus on complex niche insurance products.


Whether your company is Small or Large we have options that are tailored and customized to best fit your needs. Our rates are extremely competitive. We offer 3 insurance programs to pick from, which include access to general liability insurance for service and repair professionals.


Although we do not require monthly meetings, we do gladly accept and encourage members from other associations and educational programs to benefit from our Insurance Program. Have a chapter meeting or group already? Contact us to find out more about our discount affiliation program. 





• $1,000,000 Each Occurrence
• $3,000,000 General Aggregate
• $1,000,000 Personal Injury and Advertising
• $200,000 Fire Legal Liability
• $100,000 Pool Pop-up Coverage
• $50,000 Limited Professional Liability
• $50,000 Pollution Clean-up Cost (Hazmat) Non-Auto
• $15,000 Pollution Clean-up Cost (Hazmat) Auto
• $25,000 Organic Pathogen Coverage
• $5,000 Lost Key and Lock Replacement
• $5,000 Medical Payments
No coverage for faulty workmanship

• Dedicated Policy Limits (Own Limits/Not Shared)
• “A” Rated Insurance
• Free Certificates of Insurance/ Waiver of Subrogation/Primary and Non-
Contributory Wording within 24 hours
• 10 % initial discount to Chapter/Groups/Patron Groups
• Applicants insured within 24 hours
• No Annual Fees



• $1,000,000 Each Occurrence
• $4,000,000 General Aggregate
• $1,000,000 Personal Injury and Advertising
• $200,000 Fire Legal Liability
• $100,000 Pool Pop-up Coverage
• $50,000 Limited Professional Liability
• $50,000 Pollution Clean-up Cost (Hazmat) Non-Auto
• $15,000 Pollution Clean-up Cost (Hazmat) Auto
• $25,000 Organic Pathogen Coverage
• $25,000 Coverage for Faulty Workmanship
• $5,000 Lost Key and Lock Replacement
• $5,000 Medical Payments

We’ve done all the leg work and united with exclusive leading partners to offer
discounted custom pool trade benefits to our SPPA members. Join the All Access
Platinum Program today. Become a member of the elite group of pool professionals who
strive to grow and succeed in this expanding competitive industry.


• No Annual Fees
• Membership Card
• 10% Initial Sign-up discount to groups/patron groups/chapters of 10+
• 20% Discount Initial Sign-up Alliance Fee **discounts cannot be combined
• Free Platinum All Access membership upgrade to current SPPA members (No
Alliance Fee to current members)
• Highest limits of General Liability Insurance
• Dedicated Policy Limits (Own Limits/Not Shared)
• “A” Rated Insurance
• Free VIP Priority Certificates of Insurance/ AI Certificates/Waiver of
Subrogation/Primary and Non-Contributory Wording.
• Free Priority Certificate requests – we will make your annual renewal and all
certificate requests first priority. Receive your new year renewal certificates 10
days sooner than non All Access Platinum Members.
• Life and disability Insurance- Access to exclusive member only Life and Disability
• Access to MeMD- A Telemedicine Value Add. Provides access to board-certified
doctors, nursed by phone or video conference. First 12 months free to All Access
Platinum Program members. ***Includes Entire Household

• Financial Business Class 10% discount
• Exclusive All Access Platinum discounts for Website Development and Marketing
• Discounted Private CPO/OSHA/CPI Classes
• Exclusive benefits and access to online Pool Route Sales
• 20% Discount on Billing/Software Programs
• Access to Free Agreements, Contracts, and Waivers
• $25 discount on pool poles/pool tools
• Direct Access to Distribution Rewards Programs
• Bookkeeping services and discounts
• 10% discount on Design and Printing
• Free Swimming Pool Learning Newsletter



• $1,000,000 Each Occurrence
• $2,000,000 General Aggregate
• $1,000,000 Personal Injury and Advertising
• $200,000 Fire Legal Liability
• $100,000 Pool Pop-up Coverage
• $50,000 Limited Professional Liability
• $50,000 Pollution Clean-up Cost (Hazmat) Non-Auto
• $15,000 Pollution Clean-up Cost (Hazmat) Auto
• $25,000 Organic Pathogen Coverage
• $5,000 Lost Key and Lock Replacement
• $5,000 Medical Payments
No coverage for faulty workmanship

• Dedicated Policy Limits (Own Limits/Not Shared)
• “A” Rated Insurance

Apply Here Now

We cannot backdate coverage
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Selected Value: 0%
Selected Value: 0%
Selected Value: 0%
Selected Value: 0%
Selected Value: 0%
Selected Value: 0%
Selected Value: 0%
If none, simply leave blank.

Please read thoroughly and keep this Membership Contract Agreement for your records. Please refer to and read the full policy for a complete understanding of all policy terms, conditions, exclusions and endorsements.

Alliance Contract Agreement: Participants in the SPPA program and in good standing are provided a Commercial General Liability policy issued by Navigators Specialty Insurance Company, a brand of Hartford. The policy is ISO based occurrence form and each member has dedicated limits. In consideration of being accepted as a member of Swimming Pool Pro Alliance, Inc. (SPPA) and being granted the rights and privileges of membership in SPPA, YOU (MEMBER), hereby covenant and agree with SPPA as follows: This is a contract agreement between MEMBER and the SPPA. A Certificate is issued in accordance with the Authority Statement granted by Navigators Specialty Insurance Company a brand of Hartford (Company)to Swimming Pool Pro Alliance (SPPA). In consideration of the payment of premium, the referenced Member is bound with the Company as per the Member Policy Term shown on the Certificate. The initial two months dues and the $125 additional fee must be received with all signed documents. By signing the application, member agrees to the Alliance Contract agreement between MEMBER and the SPPA.
Member Program Guidelines: Member does not participate in any state insurance guaranty funds. In the last 5 years member has not had any claims or know of any circumstances that may result in a claim. Pool/Spa/Ponds/Fountains Service and repairs must be primary business; no revenue is derived from Pool/Spa/Ponds/Fountains construction, remodeling, or other construction. Pool/Spa/Ponds/Fountain cleaning and repair only. All employees must be scheduled to be covered under the policy. Member must provide employee(s) first and last name(s) and effective dates must be listed in order to be scheduled under the members policy. There will be no coverage for claims arising from an employee(s) not listed. Members who have less than one year experience may ONLY restrict their scope of work and responsibility to swimming pool and spa service. This scope of work involves vacuuming, brushing, netting, strainer and filter cleaning, and maintaining the proper pool/spa chemistry. Membership is subject to the binding terms of the Membership Guidelines, Membership Term, Cancellation Policy, and Notification of changes. Once membership application has been accepted and processed, member will receive a proof of insurance certificate, policy number, welcome letter, and receipt.
SPPA Membership Terms: he membership is a monthly membership. This agreement remains in effect until either Member or SPPA cancels this membership. The billing cycle begins on the first of each month. Payments are due no later than the 15th of every month. A $10.00 late fee will be added to member’s bill for any late payments. A $25 fee will be charged for any returned check or e-check payment. Silver Program members will be charged a $125 Annual fee as well as $25 per issued Certificate of Insurance. Silver program members will be notified 30 days in advance with the option to pay the $125 annual fee or upgrade to the Gold or Platinum program. A 3% credit card convenience fee will be added to the monthly payment. There are no convenience fees associated with ACH transactions.

SPPA Membership Cancellation Policy: If the member wishes to cancel the membership, member may do so by providing a written notice at least 30 days prior to cancellation. Member’s last month payment will be applied to the open invoice. Without a 30 day written notice, a termination fee will be administered equal to one months dues. All Checks must be made payable to SPPA and mailed to: Swimming Pool Pro Alliance, Inc. or (SPPA), PO BOX 2485, Temecula, CA 92593. If member is canceled and wishes to continue membership and insurance with the SPPA Program, member must re-apply with a $125 reinstatement fee and two months dues with a new effective date. Please note, upon cancellation all issued certificates of liability insurance will be rescinded via written notification to the certificate holders.
Notification of Changes: SPPA reserves the right to make changes to (1) this agreement, (2) the sign up fee,and (3) the monthly fee, but must send written notification to the member if any changes take place; it is member’s responsibility to notify SPPA of any contact information changes, including but not limited to changes in address, phone number(s), fax number(s), and company dissolution.

Claims: Conditions of the policy require that in the event of a claim, you notify our office as soon as practicable by completing an incident reporting form. Please request an incident reporting form from our office via phone: 877-599-7772 or electronic mail: The non-refundable deductible fee is due with the incident reporting form and is $750/Silver Program, $650/Gold Program, and $550/Platinum Program. Our office will submit the claim to our claims department. You may follow up with the Claims office via phone: 855-444-4796.

Below are a few important listed exclusions from the SPPA policy. It is important you refer to and read the full policy for complete understanding of all policy terms, conditions, exclusions and endorsements.

EXCLUSION - DIVING BOARDS AND WATER SLIDES: This insurance does not apply to “bodily injury” arising out of and/or resulting from the installation, replacement or repair of diving boards and/or water slides by an insured or additional insured.
EXCLUSION - IN GROUND VINYL POOL LINERS, ABOVE GROUND POOLS, OR FIBERGLASS POOLS: This insurance does not apply to “property damage” to in-ground vinyl pool liners resulting from the draining of water by an insured or additional insured. Additionally, The insurance does not apply to “property damage” to above-ground or fiberglass pools resulting from the draining of the water by an insured or additional insured.
EXCLUSION - POOL CONSTRUCTION: This insurance does not apply to “bodily injury,” “property damage,” “personal and advertising injury,” or medical expense arising out of: The construction of a new swimming pool, spa or fountain; or The renovation, remodel or substantial modification to an existing swimming pool, spa or fountain, including but not limited to: Re-plastering, Re-surfacing, Re-tiling an existing swimming pool, spa or fountain. ANIMAL/FISH EXCLUSION: This insurance does not apply to “bodily injury,” “property damage,” or “personal and advertising injury” arising out of the injury or death of any animal or fish. Further, we will have no duty to defend you against claims or allegations associated with the injury or death of any animal or fish. br>PRESSURE WASHING EXCLUSION: This insurance does not apply to “property damage” resulting from Pressure Washing.
EXCLUSION - FUNGI, BACTERIA, AND VIRUSES: This insurance does not apply to Injury or damage arising out of or related to the presence of, suspected presence of, or exposure to Bacteria including Legionnaires or Legionella.
ENDORSEMENT: You warrant to us that, prior to the commencement of any work on your behalf, your subcontractors will have Commercial General Liability Insurance which provides: a. Limits of $1,000,000 for each occurrence, general aggregate and products completed operations aggregate. b. Will add you as an Additional Insured on such insurance.2. Should you fail to comply with this Warranty: a. All work performed by such subcontractors will be deemed work performed by you; b. The deductible applicable to "bodily injury" or "property damage" is increased to $10,000 and is made applicable per claim.



Have Questions?

Call Us

(877) 599-SPPA (7772)


(877) 797-0981


PO box 2485.
Temecula, CA 92593

© SPPA 2020.